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Tech Verse

The modern world is increasingly dependent on cell phones. Not only does it provide value to our lives, but it also raises severe security and hacking risks. It’s no secret that the technology we use may leave us vulnerable to viruses and cyber assaults if not adequately guarded. When it comes to mobile device security, there is no handbook that comes with a phone to instruct the user.

Furthermore, dangers are always developing and altering based on our patterns. According to research, Android smartphones fall prey to security threats much more than IOS. This is because IOS smartphones come with high-security in-built features than Androids. With this issue in mind, I have come up with tips on how you can keep your smartphone secure from security threats.

Why Smartphone Security is Important in 2022?

With the prevalence of smartphones in our daily lives, mobile security has become one of those subjects that cannot be avoided. We are continually urged to change our passwords, update our operating systems and applications, and be cautious of the websites we visit.

Smartphones are commonly used to access social media accounts, corporate emails, website admin parts, and essential documents. Business and marketing strategy papers, data, images, and a variety of other objects are now controlled via cell phones. Your entire data is at risk if it is not safeguarded.

Anyone can track and steal your information and misuse it. For this purpose, it is essential to understand and learn the importance of smartphone security, particularly in 2022.

8 Tips to Improve Smartphone Security:

Use Smartphone Screen Lock Methods:

There are various legitimate smartphone lock options, and you can even lock your phone with applications. If your smartphone includes a fingerprint scanner, it is highly recommended to utilize it. It is a more secure technology than FaceID. This is because fingerprints are not only unique to each person on the globe but also vary between each finger.

If you are wondering how to lock your applications, you may use facial recognition, PIN codes, PIN lock apps, passwords, and unlock patterns. Just be wary of extremely simple patterns or apparent PIN codes, such as your birth year or an easily guessable series of numbers.

Create Alphanumeric Password:

Almost all smartphones come with a password lock feature. Even if it is not available on your phone, you can install apps that offer phone and app password locks. When setting your password, it is important to set it in an alphanumerical pattern for more security. 

This is because simple passwords are easy to crack down on by hackers and may breach your information security.

Alphanumeric password incorporates numbers, letters, and special characters (like an ampersand or hashtag). In principle, alphanumeric passwords are more difficult to crack than letters-only passwords. It includes numbers, letters, and special characters. They can, however, be more difficult to produce and recall.

Don’t Save Log-in Details:

Many people tend to keep crucial information on their phones so they don’t have to enter it again. This applies to social media logins or making online purchases. This makes it quite simple for someone with access to your phone to steal information that might cost you.

Web browsers are another popular target for hackers. A more prevalent and often missed issue is allowing your browser to handle log-ins and passwords for you. Use your phone wisely and responsibly. It’s quicker to input your email password, forum log-in, or payment card details every time than to deal with the loss of data.

Install Apps from Secured Sources:

One of the forgotten components of smartphone security is the use of only approved and sanctioned software. Although it may be tempting to utilize third-party apps that promise to speed up and unlock more functions, resist the urge. Because many internet applications contain spyware and vulnerabilities meant to steal personal data from your phone.

Both Google and Apple have rigorous standards about what apps are permitted in their stores. Using only certified software will not guarantee you the most secure phone. But it is a crucial and sometimes forgotten step in keeping your private data protected.

Avoid Using Public Wi-Fi:

Anything free, especially free Wi-Fi’s quite tempting. However, it is important to be cautious while connecting to public Wi-Fi hotspots and unsecured free internet sources. VPNs (virtual private networks) are a fantastic solution.

Most hackers prefer unsecured public networks because they often lack important security features and encryption. This makes their job much easier. Using a VPN can improve your mobile data security in situations where you really need to connect to the internet. They accomplish this by connecting to an external server and masking your IP address to conceal your device’s real location. 

Update Security Patch and OS:

A security patch update is a software update that is frequently pushed out by a software developer to all its devices. A security patch update’s purpose is to close security gaps that the first software download did not.

Operating systems and software are extremely complex. Any given software typically has many patches released over a period. So, if you have the initial software but choose not to update it, then you are leaving a hole for hackers to peep in. Failure to deploy the security patch update(s) offers hackers an ideal chance to exploit those scenarios.

Don’t Open Email Links:

Smartphones, similar to PCs, are vulnerable to viruses. Hackers send out malicious links in emails and texts daily. They’re especially good at putting links in emails that look like they’re from legitimate companies.

According to the FBI, phishing was the most common cybercrime in 2020. It had counted nearly tripling from the previous year. Phishing is the most popular technique for ransomware attacks to infiltrate your phone and network. 

App Permission:

Have you ever granted permission to your phone app to perform something? Even critical permissions, such as access to your camera, microphone, and location, are frequently granted without a second thought. Apps on both Android and iOS require rights to access sensitive data on your device.

Granting app permission gives the app to access your stored data, which is quite unsafe. However, some apps don’t function without granting permission. In such cases, if the app is genuine, manage permission to access your personal data wisely.


It is highly essential to follow the above-mentioned tips to secure and safeguard your phone. Cyber-attacks have been on the rise in recent years and are predicted to pick up this year.

People rely primarily on their cell phones for internet access and other everyday activities. This makes them more vulnerable to cybercriminal behavior and security breaches. Is your smartphone adequately safeguarded? If not, try out the above tips to safeguard not just your phone but your personal data to the utmost level.

Tech Verse


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