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Latest Article Metaverse

Metaverse Vs Multiverse – The Difference

With the development of innovative technology, our world is constantly changing each day. Global communication only took a few years to develop, like it was


Web 3.0 – The Next Generation of the Internet

Over the years, the web has changed noticeably from its original form. As a result, web applications nowadays are entirely unidentifiable from the past web.


4 Ways the Entertainment Industry can Propel the Metaverse for New Audiences

For decades, the entertainment industry experimenting with new ideas and showing people what is possible through technology. Films like Star Wars, Star Trek, etc., are


4 Challenges Faced by Marketers in the Metaverse

The term metaverse emerged from the science fiction novel ‘Snow Crash’ as a portmanteau of ‘meta’ and ‘universe.’ Moreover, another culturally appropriate reference that can


4 Metaverse Trends to Lookout for

Metaverse is emerging as the new marketplace, as mega-corporations are investing in it. The metaverse is a universe consisting of different worlds in 3D space


5 Best Avatar Building Tools in Metaverse:

Recently, metaverse has become a lot more popular. A couple of years ago, if you asked someone about the metaverse, they would not know about


A Complete Guide to Metaverse in Real Estate

Metaverse is around since the early 1990s, yet, the concept is very much new to the people. Metaverse is a 3-dimensional virtual space, where the