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Tech Verse

In the last few years, the use of virtual reality in different fields has increased day by day. As technology is evolving with every passing day, this trend is becoming popular more rapidly. The use of VR in the gaming industry has completely changed the user experience. However, the use of VR is not limited there, different industries are developing newer methods of using this technology to improve user experience.

The one industry that is putting more focus on this technology is healthcare. While numerous VR technologies are already in use, the healthcare system is still trying to develop new methods to use VR.

Technologies such as robotic surgery, healthcare devices, practicing surgery using VR, etc. are some popular VR applications in healthcare today. 

In this article, we will help you to understand what virtual reality is and what are the top seven applications of virtual reality that are used in healthcare.

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality (VR) is a digital technology to create a simulated environment. The simulated environment is a 3D space in which a user can enter. It is a mesmerizing experience as compared to a screen in front. All five senses are duplicated in VR for providing a real experience in simulation. 

With the help of special electronic equipment, a user can interact with others in a 3D space other than reality. These special equipment are a helmet with a screen inside and gloves fitted with sensors. In the healthcare system, virtual reality can help future doctors to practice surgery or procedures without any limitations.

Top 7 Applications of Virtual Reality in Healthcare:

The healthcare system is one of the primary users of virtual reality, trying to implement more and more to improve the system. The number of doctors that are relying on VR for their patient’s sake is growing rapidly. They are using this system for surgery simulators, skill training, treatments of phobia, psychological treatments, etc. Thus, more and more applications are being developed. Here are the top seven applications of virtual reality in healthcare.

Mental Health Treatment:

VRET, also known as Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy, is used for treating panic attacks, anxiety, and other psychological issues. In this treatment, the patient is put in a controlled environment to recreate their fears and confront them. This treatment is completely safe as the medical staff observes the patient from outside, to avoid any mishappening.

This treatment has shown great results for mental health disorders such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Thus, helping patients to get their life back. 

Medical Lectures and Conferences:

This is something that you have dealt with in your life, as you know conferences can be very long and it is challenging for the speakers or conference holders to retain the audience and their concentration. The long conferences can be distracting, making it hard to grasp information.

But with the VR’s 3D experience, a person can feel a real-life experience of a conference and can make it more memorable. The conference holder can share their ideas and concepts in 3D visuals, which can leave a mark on the audience’s mind.


Currently, virtual reality is changing the method of training in the healthcare system. Many surgeons and students can imitate real-life surgical procedures by using VR headsets and haptic gloves.

This helps in saving time and risk that is involved with surgery but also helps students to understand the complicated surgeries. This training can also help students to increase efficiency and accuracy as VR offers unlimited chances.

Embodied Labs:

Embodied Labs, is a program created to provide training to caretakers through virtual reality software. The main focus of the Embodied Labs is age care, meaning the programs provide various training sessions that are specifically designed for old age diseases.

These diseases include dementia, weak eyesight, hearing loss, etc. More focus is required on aged care as stated by Embodied Labs founder Carrie Shaw. Currently, they are also providing programs that are uniquely created for Alzheimer’s Disease. 


Dr. Jam Ghajar founded SyncThink in 2009, which is a neuro-technology firm that developed EYE-SYNC. It is a virtual reality gadget that is used for eye tracking. The device collects and stores data on a cloud-based system, with the help of a VR headset.

Eye-Sync observes the movement of eyes and evaluates them by performing tests through VR glasses. This can be used by the pro teams to examine the effects of fatigue on the team players providing insights into one’s performance.

Virtual Clinics:

As you know pandemic has affected all of us in a certain way. But the people with physical ailments had the worst. They were not allowed to visit their physiotherapists due to the high transmutability of the virus.

However, with VR virtual clinics, it was possible to treat the people in need. The physiotherapists were able to provide treatment to the patients through a VR environment, this provided some positive results in the state of the patient’s health.

Medical Education:

VR seems to be a very promising technology that is currently emerging in the healthcare system. New procedures and surgeries can be practiced in a risk-free environment. This is also very cost-effective, as VR does not require any costly pieces of equipment for training.


Virtual reality is one of the best emerging trends in the healthcare system. Virtual reality is completely revolutionizing the training system of future doctors. This also helps students in understanding the concepts and gaining knowledge on different topics through interactive learning via 3D technology. 

VR is the most realistic way of teaching and learning. With the VR clinics, it is now possible to reach unreachable patients. It is also responsible for providing mental treatment to the patients, who suffer from dementia, some kind of phobia, and other psychological problems.

During the pandemic, when everyone was under lockdown, the students who were pursuing their doctorate were not able to do training as hospitals were overwhelmed by the patients. This is when the true need for VR was understood. Many students turn to VR for their studies and training.

Hence, VR is a technology that is surely going to change the entire healthcare system in the coming decade.

Tech Verse


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