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Latest Article Security

Point-of-Sale Systems Explained: How Does It Work?

If you have never been on the other end of the counter, you might probably wonder what POS is. However, as a new business owner

Latest Article Security

4 Key Types of Security Equipment for Your Small Business

Recently, many incidents related to theft, cyberattack, and property damage have unraveled around the country. Many small businesses have become the targets of these atrocities.

Latest Article Security

5 Top Business Security Systems in 2022

The role of modern business security systems is undeniable in securing your home or small business. Be it motion detectors, locks, or flood monitors, these


Zero Trust Security and Why Your Organisation Needs It

The remote work culture has been in development since the late 2010s. However, the push from the pandemic resulted in an acceleration of the process.


Python Security Tips Every Developer Should Know

Coding a program successfully entails creating functional software but comes with added responsibilities. If you are a python developer, one of your worst nightmares can


What is MITM(Man-in-the-Middle) Attack and How to Prevent it?

Cyber-attacks are escalating around the globe, causing damage and stealing data from users. A cyber-attack is an invasion launched on one or multiple computers or


Deep-fake Technology – An Emerging Threat

Deepfake technology is emerging as a new cybersecurity threat. Moreover, with this advanced technology, it is difficult to predict an attack, meaning it can arise


How can AI Improve Airport Security?

Airports are increasing worldwide. People travel more often all around the world. But threats are also present there. To decrease these threats and to increase


Top 4 Security Threats for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

As of today, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have become an integral part of data-driven organizations. Therefore, the business must secure them from any harm.


4 Top Cybersecurity Companies For 2022

In today’s day and age, where technology has become an integral part of everyone’s life, cybersecurity is something that we cannot ignore. Thus, the demand